I’ve had a few people complain that I haven’t updated this in a while. Well complainers, the reason for that is because there’s really nothing new going on here. Here’s a quick recap just in case though:
I’m still working 40 hours a week…well, I’m still going to the place I’m working for 40 hours a week. There still isn’t much actually going on there. So I’m really working about 2 hours per week…
I’m still living in the same tent. We’ve all completely abandoned any hope of ever getting out of these things. Although some people have taken it upon themselves to move out into other tents so it’s not quite so crowded any more.
That’s really about all my life consists of (I know, I can see the green hue of your collective jealousy all the way over there).
So, since I really have nothing new to write about I think I may start updating this with some of the misconceptions I had about the military before I got out here. The first one is the physical shape of our service men and women. While the rate of obesity is definitely much lower with the soldiers here than it is with the general population back home, the fact that it even exists is fairly surprising to me. Several of the people in the help desk are in about the same shape as most IT people I know…which isn’t really saying much. It was bad enough that most of the people in the helpdesk are now required to go to the gym at least once a day. This leads me to another misconception that I had and that is the purpose of camouflage. I thought it was to hide you from the enemy…but seeing as how every bit of the terrain here is a very light brown color with absolutely no foliage and the camo the soldiers wear is a dark brown/green pattern I don’t think it would really be very effective in concealing your whereabouts. But what it does an amazing job of concealing are lovehandles. That’s right, the camo here is simply to give us all a false sense of security in thinking that the soldiers can run a mile or do a chin up.