Sunday, May 22, 2011


The journey thus far: 1 week in Georgia,  16 hour commercial flight to Kuwait, 1 day on base there, 3 days at my company’s facilities in Kuwait city, 1 more day on base in Kuwait, 6 hour military flight to Kandahar, 1 day there, a 4 hour ride in a Blackhawk to…wait for it…MY NEW HOME: Spin Boldak. I’m so happy to finally be stationary. Or, as George Clooney put it, I’m glad my days of “straitened circumstances forcing me into a life of aimless wanderin'” are at an end. Literally living out of a suitcase for 2+ weeks is no fun. Not to mention having to carry around ~150lbs worth of gear and clothing every time I moved. The facilities here are nicer than any of the other I’ve been to. My tent is nice, well lit, and clean. I even got a coveted bottom bunk…which is probably the most amazing thing that’s happened to me yet. I’m sick of having to jump and climb just to get into bed. So, all in all, this is a good base. We have stores, a gym, a pretty decent MWR, and one of the best DFACs I’ve experienced (that’s what most of the soldiers have told me as well). There’s also not a lot of people here which is great. Most of the places I’ve been to felt kind of overcrowded. The only real problem is that it’s pretty spread out. It’s at least a quarter mile walk to anything I need other than bathrooms. But…it’s not as thought the walk won’t do me some good. The new jeans I bought before I left that were fairly snug are kind of hanging off my hips now. So score for me. I can’t find a scale anywhere to know if I’ve lost any weight for sure but I fairly positive I have. I also now have a steady internet connection now so I’ll be able to keep in touch more regularly which is a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it ;) I guess to sum everything up I’m fairly happy with my home for the next 11 months and hopefully won’t get reassigned any time. It looks like I got about the best that I could have hoped for. Pics to come soon.

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