We have a second meeting with the base management about getting more/different housing. Apparently they didn’t know that we’ve been living in “transient tents” for the last 2-3 months. Good times there. Now if I can just get on a set schedule I’d be set. Since I’ve been here my hours have been noon-4, 2 days a week; no hours at all per week; 6 am – 2pm, 5 days a week, 7am – 2pm 5 days a week; 7pm – 7am, 5 days per week; and now I’m working midnight to 8am 5 days per week. I’m hoping it doesn’t change again for a while. As far as work goes I’ve actually been busy the last week working anywhere from 12 to 15 hours per day. The new unit is coming in and with them they have computers; all of which have to be completely reloaded. So I (and 2 other people) have reloaded ~80 computers without an imaging server at all. For those of you who know what that means, you’ll appreciate how tedious my life has been for the last 10 or so days. But there is hope! I’m at work now and the last computer we have is being loaded as I type this.
In other news: I’m not sure who I need to talk to about getting a sentence stricken from the English language, but if you know who it is then please let me know. A soldier unloading a truck the other day looked down at me, rpg in hand, and said “hey, you want a free rocket”. This should be stricken for 2 reasons:
1. 1. The answer is always yes.
2. 2. The answer is always yes.
Number 1 is the case and thus it’s a redundant and useless question and just wasting time and energy of both people involved in the conversation. Number 2 is the case because there’s no end to the destruction, chaos, and all around havoc (IE FUN!!!) that can happen as a direct result of having a free rocket at your disposal.
Someone asked me the other day if I could expound on some of the acronyms I’ve been carelessly throwing around in these blogs. To this I say STFU and RTFM. JK :), I’ll let you in on the secret. Please bear in mind that I haven’t actually looked any of this up so who knows if any of it is correct.
1. DFAC – Dining FACility. This is where I go 2 or 3 times a day to eat. If you would like to experience this for yourself then simply find a crappy middle school cafeteria and go and eat explusively there for several months and you’re living the military life.
2. MWR – Morale, Welfare, and Recreation – I didn’t look that up, although someone told me what it meant so maybe that’s the same thing. I’m sorry I lied to you…This is where people go to “have fun”. I’ve yet to go there though. Bunch of people sitting around a small TV watching a movie that someone else picked out just doesn’t sound that stellar to me.
3. PX – Prettyfigginsorry eXcuseforastore: This is where you go if you want to buy some chips, a monster energy drink, or an excruciatingly small selection of toiletry items. Chances are if it’s something you absolutely need then you’ll have 1 choice. Otherwise they probably won’t have it.
I’m pretty sure that’s the only things I’ve thrown out there at this point. If you have any question please see my assistant…which is me.
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