Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Boredom: It's what's for dinner...and lunch...and maybe even breakfast.

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve updated this so I guess it’s time. Again, nothing much has changed so I really didn’t see much use in updating but here ya go (get off my back David Maxfield, geeze):
1.       I’m now working 6 days a week instead of just 5. It’s still midnight to 8 and all that good stuff.
Well, that’s about it. Sorry for that novel there, I’m hoping you could keep your eyes open while you were reading it, or at least took it in several sittings instead of trying to do a marathon (seriously people, you aren’t impressing anyone).  In other non-work related news: my vacation is officially set up. Got my plane tickets booked and everything. The plan right now is that I leave Dubai for London on the 8th of November and then leave London for DFW on the 10th. Here’s the fun part though: since I’m on a small base they only have flights going out of here once or twice a week so I get to leave here up to 10 days before I’m scheduled to actually be on vacation (that's if a flight happens to be going out of here exactly 10 days early). If this happens then I may have to make my very own IED. That’s right, an Impromptu European Departure. I might be able to get a whole week or more in Europe if it’s cheap enough to reschedule that flight. I can’t come home early for tax reasons so the extra time would either be spent in Europe (14 thumbs up), Dubai (3 thumbs up, but one of those thumbs has a cherry on top so it’s close to 4 thumbs up), or Kandahar (it only gets 1 thumb and I would use it to stab myself to death).  Since I won’t have any idea how long I’ll have until I actually get there I’m making no plans whatsoever so any suggestions are welcome.

And now, as promised, another misconception I had about the military before coming out here:
This is…well, I don’t know what it’s official name is. But  they put it on the front of the vehicles so if they hit a mine it will blow  that thing up instead of the vehicle (you know, where the people are).  On a side note, I’ve seen what the mines can do to these huge metal vehicles…it ain’t pretty. Fortunately though, all the vehicles I’ve seen that “got toe up” (to use the vernacular) never had any damage done to the cab.

Basically, thanks in large part to Microsoft, I really expected something that might be considered a “mine sweeper” to look something rather more like this:

I guess video games really don’t translate out too well into real world situation. Also, I’ll have to take “military explosives training” off of my resume now because if Microsoft go this wrong then who knows what else they got wrong. I’ll bet there might not even be any numbers in the middle of a mine field to help guide you through it. I guess it’s good that I found this out before I went into one… Microsoft: ruining lives every day.

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